is really slow today, most likely due to spammers using it to flood the system with messages such as this:
I created a new dummy account to test this and literally within seconds of signing up I had two followers.
One was DowningStreet which is the official Twitter account for the guy who runs the UK. The other follower was Kristen Andrews. If we take a look at her Twitter page we see a link:
The link goes to… a Casino site!
This page asks you to download the file goldencasino.exe which is a Casino game.
My "follower" Kristen's account was deleted within 10 minutes so it seems as Twitter is aware of the problem.
But let's follow the link from the first screenshot to really see what these scams are about. Who doesn't want a free Range Rover? Clicking on the link takes us to a page talking about how we can make $5000 USD per month. What happened to my free Range Rover!?
It still sounds like a good deal so let's go on. Clicking on any of the links takes us to (after a redirect via to where it says we can now make $6500 per month.
This is getting better and better. So let's sign up.
So this is what it's really about, they want my credit card info and my personal details. Stay away from it.