NEWS FROM THE LAB - Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Smart Aleck Passwords Posted by Sean @ 13:11 GMT

�lyp��, a popular Finnish game and quiz site, announced a database breach late last night.

Over 127,000 account names and passwords were leaked.


The site has currently suspended access and doesn't maintain any personal details but �lyp�� users should determine whether or not they recycle their passwords elsewhere. If so, those accounts are at risk of being hacked.

CERT-FI guidelines can be found here.

Here's a list of the top 20 domains on the list:

�lyp�� e-mail domain list

And here's a list of the top 20 passwords used:

�lyp�� password list

The number one choice? It's salasana — that's Finnish for password.

Google Translate can assist you with the rest.