There's a couple of new developments in the Stuxnet rootkit case. Last night, the analysts in our Kuala Lumpur lab added detection for another digitally signed Stuxnet driver. This one uses a certificate from JMicron Technology Corporation.
Here's the Digital Signature Details from the file properties:
And here's the Certificate:
Here's the certificate details via VeriSign.
This particular certificate is valid until July 25, 2012.
While there are some modifications, initial analysis indicates that this new driver is very similar to the first set of Stuxnet samples we've seen, with the same basic functions and approach.
We've speculated internally that Realtek's Authenticode leak could have resulted from Aurora style attacks which targeted source code management systems, but now, with the physical proximity of these two companies, we wonder if some physical penetration was also involved.
Additional news regarding Stuxnet is that Siemens, whose SIMATIC WinCC databases are targeted, has advised against changing their SCADA system's hardcoded password. The concern is that adjusting the password will create damaging conflicts.
Updated to add: ICS-CERT has published an useful advisory [PDF] which includes all the file names needed to scan for Stuxnet infections on computers with no antivirus installed.