The Finnish National Defence University has published a 250-page book called The Fog of Cyber Defence. The book discusses cyber warfare, cyber arms race, and cyber defense from a Nordic viewpoint.
The book was written by twenty authors:
Insights into Cyberspace, Cyber Security, and Cyberwar in the Nordic Countries - (Jari Rantapelkonen & Harry Kantola) Sovereignty in the Cyber Domain - (Topi Tuukkanen) Cyberspace, the Role of State, and Goal of Digital Finland - (Jari Rantapelkonen & Saara Jantunen) Exercising Power in Social Media - (Margarita Jaitner) Victory in Exceptional War: The Estonian Main Narrative of the Cyber Attacks in 2007 - (Kari Alenius) The Origins and the Future of Cyber Security in the Finnish Defence Forces - (Anssi K�rkk�inen) Norwegian Cyber Security: How to Build a Resilient Cyber Society in a Small Nation - (Kristin Hemmer M�rkest�l) Cyber Security in Sweden from the Past to the Future - (Roland Heicker�) A Rugged Nation - (Simo Huopio) Contaminated Rather than Classified: CIS Design Principles to Support Cyber Incident Response Collaboration - (Erka Koivunen) Cyberwar: Another Revolution in Military Affairs? - (Tero Palokangas) What Can We Say About Cyberwar Based on Cybernetics? - (Sakari Ahvenainen) The Emperor's Digital Clothes: Cyberwar and the Application of Classical Theories of War - (Jan Hanska) Theoretical Offensive Cyber Militia Models - (Rain Ottis) Offensive Cyber Capabilities are Needed Because of Deterrence - (Jarno Limn�ll) Threats Concerning the Usability of Satellite Communications in Cyberwarfare Environment - (Jouko Vankka & Tapio Saarelainen) The Care and Maintenance of Cyberweapons - (Timo Kiravuo & Mikko S�rel�) The Exploit Marketplace - (Mikko Hypp�nen)